Friday, November 23, 2012 w York here!

《I am a fertile the section of Kai Lei Er 》
Author:Green pepper milk tea
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Article 1 novice's beginning shows up
Chapter 1 am I a fertile section Er?
Inside a basketball building of some circumlittoral city in China, a not the Dou of neck and neck's beating is presenting to public, here is the training field of this a CBA champion ball team in the city building, but today here take place of the whole completely be stained with with basketball sport not a little bit first half relate to, a group of height Ma Da Dun's basketball hand is rounding shape opposite come to say the young man in short last 1:00, however he and round his person similar, be dressed in unified basketball to take on the body.
At this time young man face top and body top already full is an extravasated blood, that originally and well basketball's taking be also tored the cloth head of odd pieces, peep out the muscle that he fructifies, he has a liking for to not quite and strong, can body top but be full of strength, the blue vein of double boxing fisting suddenly and violently jumps, the that the dragon of line has already changed is red on the left shoulder.
His name is Zheng Ke, CBA crack troop Guangdong grand one of two line brigades get a goal rearguard, as long as once seeing the person whom he plays ball, who can't deny, either he outstanding basketball natural endowments, because he is a person who can beat into a kind of alternative violence esthetics of basketballs, although because height problem crest write get a goal an of rearguard, can but like to do the work of forward, mainly get a goal means to shoot the basket to the rearguard, he really has no talent, wreaking havoc the basket basket of the other party is his favourite.
Is original early can enter with his ability the front-line brigade advertises for war CBA, can his personality blemish but let he up to now still just two line brigade the Si mix, before together of the teammate is to have already risen a front-line brigade, be turn the meeting to other places seeks to develop, only have he still just, on the other hand is that Guangdong is grand to really loathe to give up his natural endowments, have on the other hand to have a headache him very much peculiar fiery temper of personality.
Because the reason of the family, Zheng Ke was a personality space since the childhood eccentric, had a little the person of violent doctrine, just 5 years old his parents divorced, young Zheng Ke became parents' eyes in of dragged along an oil bottle, who would not like to bring up him, either, can't he has to and old of grandmother together living, at the age of 15, the grandmother also died, he thoroughly became the ragamuffin of nobody tube, if not is to get in touch with basketball, let him find out a window way that can vent, perhaps he has already become the juvenile delinquent whom mixs vestige street now.
Drive Guangdong is grand the turn son of basketball bringing in an occupation make Zheng Ke originally think saw one silk bright in the dusk life, can enter a brigade for a year just he beat a time of all teammates, if not was to have his to enlighten coach dint to protect, he early drive pure back, although to coach he feels very sorry and also wants to control oneself, can see each time the teammate throw to him toward that kind of look in the eyes that derision, he meeting immediately explosion, use violence solution problem time and time again, often teach don't change of the result is that he be forgotten at two the line brigades are livelong three years.
Today's business and usually also just about, only take a dispute on one's own initiative this time of isn't Zheng Ke, but a New appointee that just came to two line brigades, it is said that that this guy home is very rich, ex- some Zheng Ke taught him once, now he to make reprisals, also launched a brigade inside see Zheng Ke's some with a revolting feeling persons.
"Come!You this helps soft egg, beat!"Though have been with cuts and bruises all over, Zheng Ke's look in the eyes is still as sharp-edged as leopard son, all over of the muscles all draw tight and be like the wild beast that prepares to choose a person but loves at any time.
The other party though the number has excellent, still drive Zheng Ke that appearance that loves blood frighten together and together and backward a to back and see their reactions, Zheng Ke wantons of the cachinnation get up.
"You are these soft eggs, I advise you or take now persons to come to beat more, otherwise your owner I can't pass of, come!"
Which rich family of the young master initiative reflected to come over, the color was fierce inside the yelling of Ren:"Is afraid of!We so many people still beat however he is a , today's business advantage is necessary yours, was human life to also have me the Dou."
Got assurance, and there was also the temptation of advantage, these young men that are original and then full of animal spirits all was like to beat chicken blood and yelled to rush toward to come up to Zheng Ke.
Zheng Ke although several year agos once mixed vestige street and fought Dou to beat and was a veteran warrior, can still double boxing difficult enemy's four hands, very quick be tipped over in the ground,, free to the other party Be public to strike and kick, can be nerveless to resist, gradually his rites beginning misty, want to lift arm to immediately after beat to even make a silk energies not to come out with them,cheap dr dre beats, can the mold faintness stick of hear untidy on all sides.
"I hold!Don't his mama beat and had already wanted a human life."
"What about that boy?"
"His mama has already run, now how do?"
"Send to hospital hospital!See to still have to save!"
"How to do?I kill people!"
Zheng Ke lies prone nerveless think on the ground, wait Lao Tze to like one more of seek you to calculate Zhang, immediately after at present a black, thoroughly faint.
(2010-2-6, Guangdong is grand to Dou happen to beat affairs inside two line brigades, member of team, Zheng Ke, through salvage invalid on that day 17:Die at the hospital 53 cents, Be suspected of intentionally homicidal He Anne, D Jin and square widely huge, Han Chun Lei etc.12 people already drive police pertaining to crime detention······)
Wheat Di lousy garden square in New York, the United States in 2003, will hold an annual talent show general assembly here, basketballs from world-wide locations geniuses swarm about here and go forward toward basketball tallest hall within dream.
Young young men excitedly look about everywhere, some people also not yes toward distance of that green of the small house look about, the air is full to is to envy,Artist Series, only NBA officials, each brigade owner and estimate talent show makes seating arrangement a talented person who depend the front to go in in that place, is also say as long as canning across into that green small building, so basically meeting drive NBA the alliance of this most ruthlessness competition accept and certainly also have exception in these people.
A person who obviously compare surroundings wants a small of many handsome white mans son at this time but is a vacant shape, mouth inside still just small voice's saying what, only drive the spot the abuzz voice covered, even if someone hears can't understand, either is what mean, because what he say is Chinese.
"Hey!Waiter, you this appearance don't go!"Side permits handsome white skin young man to push to come over, on his shoulder clap for a while.
The white man been touring by imagination small the son be got a fright, turned head to looking at the other party, the brain was quickly revolving"he just what to say was English?Can I why understand?"
"Could you tell me where this is?"Words an export him be got a fright, will oneself unexpectedly speak English?
The other party is also asked by his problem of one Leng, immediately after say with smile:"Waiter!Your aring playing trick, being still an excitement is getting more overdo, is wheat Di lousy garden square in New York here!"
"Wheat Di lousy garden square in New York!"He recited 1 time, this place he is knowing, big lousy Ni gram in brigade New York in NBA the main field of the Si, oneself how can get here?
"Hey!Waiter, do you still need to daze to arrive when?The talent show started right away,you are afraid that you chooses not up, timid?"Said to still put a facial expression for despising.
"Talent show?"He is still a muddled appearance.
"Pull waiter so much!Didn't be kidding, though what you performed is quite good, really have never thought gentleman like this to also have talent like this."The other party is an appearance of"I understand you very much".
"Do you know me?"
The other party turned over a cold stare to say:"Certainly know, it is us to don't forget this year the Lai star is the gram of your place eliminate of, Kai Lei ·section fertile Er, if you don't have twins' brothers."
"That who are you again?"
The other party has a little not happy:"Lu Ke ·fertile, you had better remember and meet again next time if you forgot again, I will use iron boxing and you this gentleman of Qian Qian say hello!"
"So thank you."Get oneself wants of answer, he turns round a bump indiscriminately of entered a toilet, looking at Related articles:

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