Monday, December 10, 2012

cnn dy the many people w

At the right moment fall at the Zu mountain on, at so many people in the moment bring shame, the in the mind noodles it may be said cuts up rough an abnormality, the skill is bad to mercilessly wipe the blood of doing the corner of mouth, angrily took a look the sky, surprisingly oneself is like this bereally aten by him on own site, but nine Fengs where of power like this?Does the earthquake fly himself/herself and all deep-fry into ruins together with the boundary palaces?
This again not from of let for a sky, the in the mind noodles of Wu Zu Wu isn't understand very much, even be a little bit surprised to fear to,did that just is it the sage that make moves?Wu Zu Wu all how can't believe this day of, at his in the mind noodles sage not is going to is high highest, at most is also higher than oneself's power a little bit stronger just, also being unlikely can put across boundary palace so.
Are nine Fengs actually my person of sorcery clans?
Wu Zu Wu in the sky not from get the in the mind noodles want out such a problem and raise head and see a front, but see the surroundings many people is seeing himself/herself, and oneself hits down but is to batter to death two people, oneself still lies on their corpse, but the emperor river's sage of the Dian of Zu mountain still continuously speak his big way, complete don't see oneself a this place, this lets for a sky, the in the mind noodles of Wu Zu Wu since let go of heart, have very is angry oneself thus from sky drop down, this person all incredibly doesn't see himself/herself.
This kind of person's mindset really lets people's surprise not already, he really thinks that the emperor river doesn't know his trend, really not clear, as long as being a sage to stare at a person, that only afraid is hard to succeed in escaping, even if is just at boundary palace in Wu Zu Wu in sky to nine Fengs the big sorcery make physical advances many sages are also very clearly, besides at the right moment fall here.
Wu Zu Wu in the sky is about to walk, the emperor river of the Dian of Zu mountain finally had action and changed direction the this place to the head way:"What important business does the big sky of come to this, but have?Might as well along together say to come ……"
Wu Yi Leng in the sky, emperor river actually at say what, oneself is be beaten here, but this person is to ask he or she this does what, this sage indeed as expected has no what mean, still isn't similar to me don't know outside of affair?Not from of the in the mind noodles was crafty to smile under, once turned round to say with smile:"Wu in the sky pays a courtesy calls on sage ……this come to this isn't another, just I the forehead beginning set up, is to lack hand very much, this time fairyland almost the owner can arrive all to listen to a way here, also invite sage mercy, let this chooses person's God to administer one job and manages three boundaries."
The emperor river ordered to nod, it was really complete to seem have no of spirit that of affair way:"The original I is also to once say, non- a hundred years of expect to preach to end Er etc. can not leave,google, but see to seem Er etc. in already the many people want to walk, no matter Er etc. want the God court also good, still need to return oneself's group also good, the I doesn't add to obstruct, one Zhu joss-stick after I be again open to speak …… want to leave of the person is quickly ……"
No one thoughts of that the emperor river is a sage thus talk, Wu Zu Wu in the sky like Leng for a while, but is don't know that the emperor river is to see through his/her own this Zu sorcery brothers this time completely already didn't the appearance in past, should come of always want, the development of straight-tempered and not equal to affair, let he to get earlier, the whole sorcery boundary also really falls calm soon, can say is looking at for a sky, Wu Zu Wu 's behaviour style has already completely done not entertain to her what repent of hope.
Count must inside of Zu mountain in public discussion of voice although is small, voice fold to add that very greatly, not much already the many people stand, return the many people is hesitating, the whole Zu mountain seems to be again noisy, there is all completely no the lustration of the ground of so-called preaching, pour is seem to be is like the human life field that kind of market similar noise, complicated.
See arrive so many people stand up, the in the mind noodles of Wu Zu Wu in the sky again is a pleased, at present so many people stand up, own so of the real strenght rises again 1 F, when the time comes see this sorcery boundary actually is a whose sorcery boundary, even if you are sages to also want to see my facial expression.
He is these viewpoints, a word is all gastightly seen in the brain by the sage, public have already no longer sighed this time, mental noodles although having some cant not bear to heart, can betray brothers for the sake of the power and influence for this shameless lout in the sorcery clan, even the in the mind noodles must kill the mirage that the brotherly person has no one silk and have no the leeway in remaining of 1:00 to forgive offense after staying to the some other day.
Like the human life field that kind of the person of the pleasure gratitude and revenge is similar, you are unkind, I not righteousness, you want to kill, I then kill, see actually is who severe ……how many sages the in the mind noodles all sneer at this time, the sage is after all a sage, the dignity of sage is to disallow other people's challenge, besides is thus cunning mean person?Even if he is three boundary big sky of again how?That also isn't much a mole cricket and ant just in the sage eyes.
The sky in that, multicolored and auspicious clouds but is not much, door in the sky of a facing 33 days but go, this person who goes to forehead this for a while but know very serious the original many people regret foolish listen to a way in the Zu mountain, know to fix a way to fix heart, don't fix heart only afraid is way line hard go forward, and although someone speaks, be so not likely to have many people comprehend and listen to the way really is a wave to take a lot of time to the person having no chance and opportunity to understand, but don't go into a flower to thoroughly try to find solution in the forehead this time,Facebook, oneself can get more advantage.
The emperor river's sage looking at for a sky, Wu Zu Wu endures he or she to smile happily of of appearance, the corner of mouth finally sneered at for a while and continued to speak his big way in that ray of light and also no longer realized to exactly still have a person again continue facing forehead but go, seem all these don't see by himself/herself.
Want to know to count must of Zu mountain, the person is more and more, almost sit full person, in addition to opening the place of having the tree didn't sit a person, but the many people all sit on the treetop, thus, almost sit the full Zu mountain actually has how much person that worth company Que, Wu Zu Wu in the sky waves hand at present of take really is have half the number of many, forehead of the real strenght strengthen nature to be a little.
But many sages not worried, no matter how it is, the person of God court always wants the last and besides went also not is what bad place, acquaint with earlierly, also for the sake of in the days to come the arrival of new big sky of, province of still need to select when the time comes what person, put to like position at present, even if is someone and rebel along with Wu Zu Wu in sky, that also isn't much minority of of, besides Wu Zu Wu in the sky only afraid still conductor not, direct motionless and so many people, it is all idiotic to after all isn't each person, can't consider before working feeling the person of cause and effect only afraid could become immortal a person also can't too many.
Looking at into the clouds of slice to float through 32 days, eyes of Xing sky and nine Fengs in appeared a face with cold Yin,cnn, that wasn't a sky, Wu Zu Wu again is what person, but Wu Zu Wu cans not turn over a face, otherwise seal nine Fengs as a skies, either now sky, the commander-in-chief withdrew again in a little while, this has the Sun own astute decision, not good to own image.
But cold the voice huming still kept spreading into two person's ear insides, nine Fengs and Xing the sky indeed didn't expect for a sky, Wu Zu Wu was so quick meeting like this to two people this looking is both parties to turn over a face, thus hide not to live a mind, Wu Zu Wu wants to rebel this day only afraid is also gross out for several days.
Nine Fengs but is the smile of one face still, looking at for a sky, Wu Zu Wu is in the moment flying over there, the eyes twinkling show off a continuously ray of light, looking at for a sky, Wu Zu Wu 's figure says with smile:"Xing elder brother in the sky still keeps working well preparation, only afraid this big sky of did soon, just surprisingly he will so quick make moves, connect endure at 1:00 of concept all have no, so quickly recruit come so many people think to increase his real strenght, he if not that brain cripple, that is that he really and too considered as correct, a person that all achieves wisdom to become immortal of these people, don't lack big Luo among them gold fairy, want these heart Gao Qi Ao's persons to all take him, listen to he order, this kind of forehead has no a worthy post root be have no meaning of, the thing of were it not for materiality, public also just for oneself prepare in the days to come at 1:00 just, who will really listen to his words."
Xing big sorcery point in the sky nods:"Empress the Yi brothers say of have no wrong at, the city mansion of this person is the deepest, just regrettable of BE, but is some hatreds to make him hard to bear with, otherwise endure one one quantity rob of time is perhaps really many Related articles:

Sunday, December 9, 2012

google face looked at Chen

Pharmaceutical Company Limited Yao Ziqing ,but Zhou Changping is less clear ,but according to Zhou Changping know about Zhang Nan, since his niece every week to see Chen Ning ,nor heard anything about her and Chen Ning conflict, Chen Ning and that Yao Ziqing didn matter Zhou Changping thought of this layer ,then easily at his opposite Gu Wenjie said : Chen Ning is usually pumped soft Chinese and those of Moutai wine ,this I know ,these are the South Army Deputy Commander Zhang Youhua gave him about an adulterous this problem ,or in accordance with the procedures take this letter to the Yang Ming City Commission for Discipline Inspection, check , relationresultGu Wenjiebreathed a sigh of relief ,he saw Zhou Changping face is quite easy ,look not to believe the report content from expensive alcohol problems ,Secretary Zhou was completely clear, the adulterous problem also make groundless accusations , relationresultGu Wenjiesaid: ,I follow the normal procedure ,transferred to the letter Ming Yang municipal treatment and left ,cnn, relationresultAfter Gu Wenjie left,Zhou Changping slowly severe ,Chen Ning went down as the New River county Party Secretary, also more than a half year ,to promote the construction of rural roads ,the introduction of Huayi Group ,these achievements Zhou Changping is clearly Zhou Changping to Chen Ning this his former Secretary and future son-in-law nephew hopes he thought ,view Chen Ning action is too large ,has caused others to envy ,next to beat him , relationresultMing YangCity discipline appoint clerical Gong Jiye also received an anonymous report New River Chen Ning of secretary of county Party committee report ,although the anonymous letter report ,but the report a county leaders, Gong Ji was very cautious ,ready to Ji Wen of secretary of municipal Party committee and report this matter before he went to Ji Wen and ,before the province appoint down with he received the same content of the report ,immediately after Cao Ming phone call ,ask him to Ji Wenhe of secretary of municipal Party Committee Office , relationresult+
relationresultSeason of Ji came to Ji Wenhe Office , relationresultGong Ji ah ,today the province appoint to the next , relationresultReportof New River Chen Ning of secretary of county Party committee accepts the precious tobacco and adulterous you know ? Ji Wenhe said , relationresultYes ,quaternary Secretary Ji smiled a little ,said: m here also received a letter from the same content of the report ,is ready to report to you , relationresultOh ,you also received the same report letter ? Ji Wen and asked , relationresultYes ,and province discipline appoint Gu Secretary received ,but also directly to my report ,also Chen Ning accepting expensive alcohol and adulterous , relationresultProvince discipline appointcomrade Gu Wenjie just call me ,about Chen Ning accepting expensive alcohol problems ,Secretary Zhou has proved ,these precious tobacco is actually South military region deputy commander Zhang Youhua gave his , relationresultJiang military region deputy commander Zhang Youhua gave him? Gong Jiting Ji Wenhe said ,some confused ,a man of large area vice commander would send a small secretary of county Party committee of these precious tobacco ,had never heard of Chen Ning military background .
relationresultAs the lasttroops forcibly occupied station events ,in addition to parties ,requests strictly confidential ,so as the Municipal Standing Committee of Gong Ji also don and see the season the Ji amazed expression ,a wry smile ,explained: Chen Ning is Nan Jiangjun Qu Zhang, deputy commander of the son-in-law , relationresult:Road ,no wonder Chen Ning young became New River county ,had that relationship with this relationship ,the letter report Chen Ning fucks the relationships between men and women ,becomes very important ,Gong Ji carefully asked : Secretary of the season ,Chen Ning slept around this issue, province appoint there special instructions ? , relationresultsnot just according to normal procedure ,to our season and said , relationresultSecretary of the season ,what do we do ? Gong Ji asked ,according to Chen Ning now identity ,adulterous is directly related to the Nanjiang military vice commander and provincial Party Committee Secretary Zhou ,Gong Ji had to carefully , relationresultJi Wen andbow to think ,to tell the truth ,for Chen Ning, the young man ,season and love ,young ,has a sense of justice, work ability, but is not intimate but from time to time and their troops to Chen Ning and Zhang Nan, make their own disgrace face ,psychologically speaking ,season and and hope Chen Ning fucks gender issues that it is true ,this also allows Zhang Youhua and Zhou Changping also lost face but report and Chen Ning adulterous people than others ,but the Huayi Group New River Pharmaceutical Company Limited General Manager Yao Ziqing considered Yao Ziqing special status ,and not easily go direct to the Commission for Discipline inspection Yao Tsz Ching understand the awkward questions , relationresultJi Wen andthink back and forth to oneself ,to consider a variety of interests ,eventually decided not to put up a pageantry to investigate Chen Ning fucks the relationships between men and women think of this problem clear after the season ,and said to Gong Ji : on this letter letter report report by Comrade Chen Ning problems ,I suggest you appoint comrade Chen Ning serious talk for one time, it is also to be responsible for Chen Ning ,if no problem ,Chen Ning put aside ideological baggage ,can not affect the normal work , relationresult: good season ,secretary ,this thing ,I personally went to New River to find a comrade Chen Ning talks , relationresultBesides,Chen Ning and Yao Ziqing Yao Ziqing in the new courtyard study with calligraphy and painting appreciation ,Chen Ning thought ,Yao Ziqing will have a collection crafts hobby due to the influence of Wu Zhengming ,Chen Ning on the Chinese ancient culture is very loving ,see Yao Ziqing took so many pictures of intense interest ,appreciation ,imperceptibly two people stayed in the library more than two hours , relationresultThecalligraphy and painting appreciation ,Chen Ning looked at the time ,said : clear ,time is not late ,I should go.
to tell you the truth ,since Yao Ziqing to Chen Ning to express his admiration for Chen Ning ,Chen Ning is always afraid of alone with Yao Ziqing , relationresultWhat ,Facebook,you are not around my bedroom ,google.
Yao Ziqing Chen Ning a look ,and said , relationresult,a man around you a girl bedroom ,I convenient , relationresultThis is what age ,why you are so feudal ah ,I want you to get me the courtyard outside and visited ,then give me the house name Yao Ziqing whether Chen Ningyuan would not direct ,grabbed Chen Ning hand ,Chen Ning went east house , relationresultInto theeast house ,is completely different ,the room is full of women taste ,pink color ,warm and comfortable decoration style ,completely is the ancient great lady , relationresult,then ,I spend most of my time in here ,so I have to get comfortable Yao Ziqing still holding Chen Ning on Chen Ning and said , relationresultChen NingYao Ziqing apparently feeling strong Shuangfeng in his arm of friction ,suddenly ,Chen Ning feel a shortness of breath ,heartbeat accelerate face Yao Ziqing naturally or half unconsciously teaser ,Chen Ning not to move it is fake, after all, Yao Ziqing regardless of appearance or temperament ,is the top choice he is every escape Yao Ziqing ,is the fear itself will not controlled ,in Yao Ziqing .
relationresultWhile Yao Ziqingalso felt Chen Ning ,red face looked at Chen Ning ,a look ,she does not understand why he has the sense of anticipation ,at this moment ,she people in his
careful design of the cabin to embrace their own, she expected Chen Ning to embrace feeling , relationresultAt this time,Chen Ning mobile phone rang and woke up two people ,Chen Ning quickly
handle from Yao Ziqing hands out ,took out his mobile phone ,and Yao Ziqing is red in the face, turned his back on Chen Ning , relationresultChen Ningyiis calling telephone fee prescribed Related articles:

Friday, December 7, 2012

Facebook ion W ��k cn�� On

At a glance ,nodded ,agreeing to .relationresultXiao Xin then said: pleasure ,the following things ,you don . , relationresultThen,he decided to withdraw his country at home like all industry things out ,just skip the Tiantan attack ,cnn.
Nevertheless ,daughters or be indignant ,all sorts of gossip to say for a long time, Lei Jia also tongue-lash exit .Finally, or Murong Qingsi quelled all anger ,softly : my sisters, let Xiao Xin get away ,not necessarily a good thing .
Now he has things too much ,too much envied .Simply a one-track mind and we take care of the Phoenix Group ,one family in peace, better than anything . , relationresultListen to herto say so ,daughters would like also .
Such a long time ,Xiao new outside in the fighting ,all for his loss of fear .Misfortune may be an actual blessing. Now retire after winning merit ,perhaps better .relationresultListen to thewords of Murong Qingsi ,Xiao new gently sigh ,not guilty ,later under, behind the words some say not to export .
relationresultMurongQingsi very carefully ,to see him again, said softly : husband ,you need not worry .If you have an idea of what to say ,though ,we will always support you . , relationresultYeah ,relationresult,don womanishly fussy ! Lei Jia always speak so tough ,but must not less than any of his woman .
relationresultXiao Xin Shentrack: once the dragon company to pay to the state ,the Phoenix Group to help decrease to zero .The Phoenix Group currently operating posture while can also ,but not the dragon help ,show speed is slowed down considerably ,it is difficult to achieve the anticipated target .
This morning, I and the central leadership to discuss it, put forward three requirements .One is the dragon company into state-owned holding ,that is hope ;two countries still like before enabling the Phoenix Group Exhibition ;three is to reach the Diaoyu Islands energy cooperation program .
, relationresultFull-textedition novels to read ,update ,faster ,as in the is k literature network ,google,computer station :W ����.One in mobile phone station :W �� P./ the / support literature ,support of the K !Paused ,then he said : on the country support ,even if they promised ,is a mere scrap of paper ,without any constraint .
But I have to mention ,in their hearts ,lest the life out of other ideas .Phoenix Group next to show ,I will be divided into two blocks ,the block to domestic exhibition ,not too .
Green thinking to consider ,mature later we will consult together . , relationresultGood ! Murong Qingsi agreed .relationresultXiao Xin continued: in order to prevent the accident ,I have a mind ,now appears to be on the ground .
The dragon company restructuring ,without affecting the normal operating circumstances ,I arranged to be part of a transfer of funds to the Swiss bank to several accounts ,there are approximately two hundred billion .
The sum of money ,I will be used for the Phoenix Group in overseas exhibition .In addition ,dragon company to pay out ,so those loyal to my men ,I can .Willing to follow me ,just stay ;unwilling ,or a sum of money and scattered ,or arranged in Dragon company .
, relationresultXiao new ,you keep them, don want to complete the overseas program ? Lei Jia could not help but ask .relationresultXiao Xin glanced at her,smiled : Jia understand me .
God grant me the extraordinary ability ,I do some meaningful things .The overseas Chinese there are thirty million ,I will take the Phoenix Group branch to every Chinese place, let the Golden Phoenix fly all over the world .
I have power ,if put to good use ,can do a great cause . , relationresult,our sisters need to discuss . Murong Qingsi said suddenly .relationresultThen,she turned around ,and the sisters for a long time, just sitting posture ,and as representative we discuss it, basically agree with you .
Home of this piece, I will be hiring the right occupation managers responsible for the management, usually remote-controlled management ,regular examination ,should give big question .Foreign exhibition ,all our sisters are close to you ,not one drop .
The Phoenix Group now asset is not small, we check, also be a part of the funds . , relationresultAfter seeingall the unconditional support himself ,Xiao Xin felt very happy ,suddenly thought of a question : we are going abroad, Phyl, how to do ? , relationresultHuaPhyl ,track: you have the conscience ,also do not forget me .
We have to discuss it ,in foreign countries to open a new cultural branch, I went abroad to show .So ,can you always together .I have no problem with English ,if necessary to learn some other languages .
relationresultrelationresultAbout the language issue,Xiao new not worried .Show all stimulated brain region ,increase memory ,in a good foreign language environment, is not the problem .relationresultThought,he said : just said to put forward the three conditions ,and third did not say .
No matter whether the promise Diaoyu Islands central energy cooperation program ,I have to buy an island as our new home .I will be the island as the basis ,the construction of a high-tech and harmonious maritime city ,have their own schools ,hospitals and various living facilities ,but also create an invincible army .
I will leave this island named Paradise Island ,making it into a land of idyllic beauty ,a dream of paradise .At that time, I was the king of Paradise Island ,you are my princess ,without any temporal constraints ,a take one life .
Paradise Island completed, I will hold a grand wedding ,the bride married all at the same time . , relationresultHearXiao new to this assumption ,the women beautiful eyes bright at the same time ,countless beautiful little star twinkle .
I do not know who is the first move, Xiao Xin pulls into bed .The light went out ,dark .The darkness was heard understood language, let some men into night wolf .relationresultgraced the your concubines ! , relationresultWho is the first ?We are still the old rules ,play ! , relationresultNo light can row ?I was the first to reach the who ,who is .
Hey ,you don .I can ,I catch, I catch catch catch . , relationresultOh ,brother ,you don ,I am American ,let me out ! , relationresultEnglish ,don ,you from her brother !We help you undress .
, relationresultAh !Don ! , relationresult...... , relationresultRedover by the waves ,spring scenery is infinite .Beautiful and touching makes and moans again sing .relationresultThis chapterends , relationresultTheupdate ,today to upload a little late !relationresultUpdate: 2009-11-1717:38:13 chapter number :103 , relationresultLunchout something, back in the afternoon rush release ,security .
relationresultPlease forgive me.( to be continued ,such as for his funeral, please visit www.**.comm ,section more ,support author ,support the genuine reading !The first ) , relationresultThefinal volume of Fengxiang World Chapter 602nd alba ( and recommended votes !) , relationresultUpdate: 2009-11-1717:38:24 chapter number :3757 , relationresultSix a.
m.,the biological clock sting ,save Xiao Xin from deep sleep .relationresultGlance,a Xiangyan unparalleled scene of greet ,Xiao GG~ want to touch the nose ,found their arms move .relationresultOn the left is Iga Emi,Facebook.
Bright and clean as jade face with a faint blush ,cunning snuggling in his arms ,like a kitten .Last night the butterflies ,the stem sister ate ,the confused accounts finally escape . Related articles:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Facebook relationresultBut no

God ,could not produce more food to .Roll ,want to have more food ,they go fishing go ! , relationresultSee theboss began to rage out .The Russian generals were game player ,dare to say a word .
lest boss angry ,even their last bit of food supplies to the broken .relationresultBut no matterwhether Vladimir plug ears not willing to listen to a word ,can change one thing - - - - the Russian food equipment has deteriorated to the point is very serious .
Each NPC member from the first day of 4 jins of commissariat is decreased to 2 pounds, while the last five or six days ,was down to 1 kg, which is feeding slave soldiers food standards .
relationresultFoodtreatment deteriorated sharply, Russian troops under NPC morale plummeted ,no loyalty ,fled from the camp ,Facebook.Not willing to fight .However, near Vladivostok, is so big ,these NPC men to escape can not escape where to go ,can easily be Russian game player to come back again .
Occasionally a Russian NPC they started a riot ,but very quickly by the Russian game player to put down .relationresultNow the Vladivostokcastle in the vicinity of millions of Russians, have to the brink of collapse .
relationresultThe sole alsomaintained some fighting ,Vladimir army units - Vladivostok castle for the defenders to one hundred thousand infantry ,as well as in the naval port within the two hundred thousand naval fleet .
Their food supply ,also maintained at 3 kilograms of high level .The fishing boat to go to sea to capture fish food, more than half are supplied to these forces .relationresultVladimirwould rather let the other Russian forces have starved to death ,could never let his troops into the food situation .
Otherwise he will have no cost occupies the first far east naval base .Once the Yan army breached the pass ,to the city, he finally cost also is in the hundreds of thousands of troops by two hands .
relationresultNight,a Russian NPC hero suddenly led his hundreds of celebrities .Killed his boss - a game player commander ,and then make a clarion call ,announced that the uprising .In starved millions of Russia NPC army suddenly Zhaying ,broke out of a massive rebellion ,numerous Russian soldiers in NPC become a rebel ,and kill crazy ,grabbing food .
relationresult! , relationresultAgame player will get desperation at the Russian Vladivostok Castle central mansion ,hall met Vladimir .Horrified at north direction : big boss .NPC hero ,rebel rebellion army camp ,outside the city in flames .
Big boss ... Please send troops to suppress the rebellion quickly ,otherwise the Chinese will take charge in the armed forces ,Far East ! , relationresultVladimir sat on thethrone is see dispatches Duke ,after hearing this news, was standing up .
However dull good half the day ,just shook his head slowly ,and sat down again .With some bitterness ,light track: no, the Far East is done !Initiated from the Yan state sponsors of warfare to this day ,was doomed to failure .
We in the Asia Foundation is too weak . , relationresultHethought for a while ,said: on the NPC ,how the hero has so big appeal ,can actually let millions of soldiers with the rebellion ?Before the rebellion was suppressed ,easily .
, relationresultTheRussian game player commander hesitated , the NPC hero called Peter alekseevich Romanov . , relationresultOne of Vladimir Mmondshock ,again suddenly stood up ,he even doubt whether they misheard ,exciting big shouted : Peter ?Is it right? You in are you kidding ?Why the greatest Russian NPC monarch Peter Thi will appear here ,will appear in the Far East ?He should not be in the Grand Duchy of Moscow ? , relationresultTheRussian game player generals bitter : nobody knows .
In fact he shouted his name before, no one knew he was Peter I, was there all the game player is his high voice to shock for .The man with his game player ,only knew him only as Peter ,but do not know his name .
Peter gave the game player kill .Then the NPC army will Zhaying appeal ,his brilliant ,game player is unable to control the army .Peter went, military command is almost automatically transferred into his hands .
Almost all want to control the situation to game player is NPC chaos army kill ,now out of chaos in a complete mess . , relationresultVladimir heard here,gasped .relationresultNPC heroPeter want to do? Want to incorporate from millions of NPC Russian ?But it is useful ,these troops are already terribly fatigued ,no fighting .
The Yan army once breached the pass, the millions of troops will collapse ,simply can not resist strong soldiers and sturdy horses of the Yan army .relationresultButPeter I can never die .
relationresultWith hisstrong appeal .Absolute can be unified seven Russian principalities regime ,established a powerful empire of russia .As long as a Russian seven principality, but they are also afraid who ?relationresultVladimirthought of here ,have no in the town stay ,fast track: immediately call the one hundred thousand infantry troops ,out of the city to find Peter Thi ,and he will be coming to the castle !We must get in the Yan army killed before ,soon ! , relationresultTheRussian general said : even the game player is ,however ,really want to take him back to the castle to Russia ?Peter will be here all the troops .
The castle into his palace ! , relationresultVladimir Doug: no,cnn, Peter can easily control the game player has completely lost the loyalty of NPC soldiers ,but he cannot control the game player also maintains high loyalty NPC soldiers ,otherwise he would have to jump out of .
, relationresultIs ! , relationresultThe Russiangame player will immediately set to defend Vladivostok ,from outside the city, in the countless confused army in search of Peter Thi .relationresultVladimir put apart of navy soldiers into the city ,defend the city .
relationresultThe Russian NPCmen already alerted the Yan army .relationresultFirst heardthe Russians came around the direction of noise ,Yan game player also confused ,that Russia may be bluffing game player ,google.
Tempt them to attack .But soon after, Yan game player are found throughout the pass in flames, numerous Russian NPC men around fires kill - which apparently never is a fraud, but the real Zhaying .
relationresultThe Yan armyof ecstasy .Just as it is dropped from the sky with a large piece of pie .Some temper to Yan game player did not hesitate to bring his army ,a crossed the unguarded pass ( Zhaying ,NPC run) ,towards the Russian hinterland rushed past .
It is now managed to kill the best time !relationresultSoon,other the Yan army also unwillings to lag behind ,is almost pulled his troops rushed over ,see the Russians would kill ,kill what .
To kill one is more of a meritorious service .relationresultMillions ofthe Yan army .Almost in less than half an hour ,all rushed to pass back tens of kilometers plains .This small place .
Be crowded with numerous Russian game player NPC .relationresultVladimirwithout too much effort ,with one hundred thousand troops captured by the riots to NPC hero Peter I, then quickly sent him back to Vladivostok castle .
The outside of the city ,has become one of the millions of the Yan army and millions of Russian NPC rebels of the world, flames ,a one-sided slaughter, shout to kill millions of .Numerous Russian NPC farmers and craftsmen captured .
relationresultVladivostokthe town ,apparently unable to stick to it long enough .Be breached ,is just a matter of time .Vladimir in the city with one hundred thousand infantry ,delay fall time, so his fleet, able to leave the Far East naval base .
relationresultFar East ,eventually . , relationresultVladimir stood in theRussian Far East fleet flagship, looking at the distance of plain red earth fire ,some regretful sigh .But Peter found a world ,everything is worth . Related articles:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

cnn ave patting chest

Where does he missed a beat ,where a complete ?Don rank cannot address each other as brothers of the same ?relationresultSlightlyfrowned ,von Rokuko cold voice: You look down upon von sb ring ? , relationresultCan seven cents and bowed .
relationresultWhy is that ? , relationresultThis ... ... Seven cents you look after each other ,leopard head forward a trail : Feng Xiandi is not afraid to offend our God ? , relationresultVonRokuko hesitated, and said: what do you mean ? , relationresultLeopard headet al also stared blankly once ,and contains a deep look at each other ,leopard head continued: I sat down and the other is point past ,several Xianyou also have their own master ,if we work with you to address each other as brothers ,any one of our Lord will doubt if you have to ,or they also may suspect that you are in the cozy relationships, bribe popular feeling !Will have any one immortal emperor did not agree with his men and an unidentified master contact ! , relationresultFeng Liuziblue shakes : what kind of logic is this ?Can I make friends with you ,but after you agree not to become emperor ? , relationresultIt is ! He nodded .
relationresultUh ... ... Feng Liuzi did not go down to ask ,he knew ,he that talks much errs much. ,did not think this Xianjie high-rise and so weird ,isn five Lord fear other people for their position ,and their rights as well? , relationresultSevencents you see Feng Liuzi depression ,also feel very feel shy ,it was just to bet, others a Tai Sin will be your brother ,you refuse to others ,so do not give people the Immortal Emperor face ,so seven people very awkward standing in one spot !relationresultThis time,the beam work holding a small cloth bag came up : Feng predecessors ,deduct part of money, your chips have been converted into eleven million grade fairy stone .
Then ,beam work directly to the bag over to von Rokuko .relationresultVonRokuko didn gave the small bag into the space of the ring, he knows every fairy fairyland ,the body has a small bag ,they called the universal bag ,the bag in the immortal implement store can buy, and the price is only five blocks from the immortal stone only, that is also very easy to refining !relationresultLooked back athaven walked the seven immortal Jun ,Feng Rokuko ring again said: ,not brothers can also ,I ask you to drink no problem ? , relationresultFat manhe nodded : ,only .
.. ... , relationresultBut what? Everyone is looking forward to the fat man .relationresultThe Death Star wine but not how good, tastes bland ... ... , relationresultVonRokuko suddenly have a brain wave ,patting chest : wine is not a problem ,I have here a mortal circles back wine ,taste better than the good fairy ! , relationresultAnd the eyes ofa light beam ,as steward lit up .
relationresultVonRokuko hey hey laugh ,an altar of hoarding on the Millennium Mao Tai appeared in front of the crowd !relationresultFatnose moved ,google... ... , relationresultThenose is moved .
.. ... , relationresultGirderwork et al of the nose are moved ... ... , relationresultA full-bodiedwine throughout the casino ,the golden fairy level gamblers near call greedy smell up ,Facebook.
.. ... , relationresultThis is the wine ?This mortal world wine ?Is not God sector ? The crowd a gambler pork belly and asked .relationresultVonRokuko shook his head ,said: why not drink wine in fairyland ,is because the fairy wines are all made of various stalls ,and the mortal world wine is grain is caused, the selected material is different at all ,so the taste of wine is not the same ! Then Feng Liuzi ,a big again ,just appeared as like as two peas two altar wine .
relationresultThe three altar I please ! , relationresultJin Xian levelall the people down to the three game ,altar wine came, and the seven immortal gentleman is stared the pharynx of a pharyngeal slobber .
relationresultYou ,although do not brothers ,but today this wine must drink ,go ,we go for a drink ... ... , relationresultGirderwork looked at Feng Liuzi and others went outside ,patted thigh : Feng predecessors ,count me for a ! , relationresultYou ,although do not brothers ,but today this wine must drink ,go ,we go for a drink .
.. ... , relationresultGirderwork looked at Feng Liuzi and others went outside ,patted thigh : Feng predecessors ,count me for a ! , relationresultInFeng Rokuko with eight men out of the casino at the moment, the entire Casino Gold immortal master at the same time to Feng Liuzi shouted : thanks for von predecessors give wine .
.. ... , relationresultVolume three:sector 258th chapter :I , relationresultUpdate: 2009-3-1817:39:03 chapter number :3268 , relationresultChaosstar ,destroyed the city !relationresultDestroycity within one called the old name restaurants ,von Rokuko with eight Immortal King master have been drinking high ,particularly eight Immortal King ,on the night of drinking, von Rokuko told they are not allowed to use the immortal force force wine drinking ,otherwise the effect of no ,eight cents Jun is the first drink to mortals sector wine ,and they really want to get to drink the wine presses ,all one night down ,ten altar wine for thousands of years of wine is for nine people .
relationresultOf course,von Rokuko is not going to put myself drunk ,after all he knew this to the death star purpose ,so although he drank a lot ,but had been forced out of his immortal force !relationresultEightcents Jun identity he has made clear basically ,fat is the North Star Polaris ,sit down ,sit down was the emperor is point ,several other also several emperor ,of course ,they can get together is not a coincidence ,because they are gambling ,every year there will be a gamble, but this year or by Feng Rokuko to catch up !relationresultAs for thebeam work does not belong to any Immortal Emperor under the door ,he was out of the death star ,but suddenly he is day out will be for third place ,three masters .
relationresultPerhapsthe fat and the lean identity ,von Rokuko do not care about words ,then the beam work identity but let his heart had a plan , relationresultNine peopledrink very drunk ,that the very next day in the evening before dispersing a banquet ,a few cents ,you have privately promised von Rokuko is their six brother ,even God has prescribed ,but in their hearts, have made this and they are kind of six brother , relationresultIfthe person lived millions of years ,the bastard fairies do not necessarily match the living at the bottom of the von Rokuko ,so when the feast dispersed when ,every sin his arms are holding two mortal world altar wine !Of course ,all of the Immortal King wanted von Rokuko guest, and claimed that if there are sent when,cnn, casual club ,relationresultSmile andsay seven cents Jun ,restaurants within only a beam work ,work out after all beams is the star man ,so he need not go !relationresultGirderwork are seven drunk three points up ,when the seven cents you go after him smiling ,holding the hands of Feng Liuzi six brother ,you are my pro six brother ,go ,I ask you to merry go , relationresultGently putbeam work hand down ,von Rokuko wry shook her head .
No time ,I should go ! six brother go? Can also go to mortals sector ? Beam work drunk less, after all, is a supernatural being ,at any time can be awake .relationresultShakeshake
one , the truth will not hide from beam brother six brother ,I now have two an urgent matter to attend to , relationresultOh ? beam work gently Oh a sound ,but his wise did not ask
what , relationresultFeng Liuzi knew of thisbeam can work when God destroyed since at the third masters ,the brain is certainly not stupidity ,so let the beam in accordance with his heart
work plan ,we must do a seamless heavenly Robe , relationresultLooking at thebeam work did not ask what ,von Rokuko cheekily laughs Liang brother ,brother, I have something to ask Related articles:

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

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, It is really another to have another matter."
The Mao connects a people's way:"If hope to there is the opportunity of cooperation under the sistuation that don't disobey your purpose."
The stone is concealed to ask a way:"I pour the purpose that wants to know you is what, I think that the nature can't be superficial to must is similar to an of overthrowing the fairy emperor and capture the type of night country fairyland of."Stone concealed this words since is sound out again is an inquiry.
Mao's seeing a stone concealed has been already had intention to, the nature isn't willing to lose with the opportunity that he cooperates, besides, hellish influence to the purpose of night country fairyland, the people of this world all knows, two already water fire allow of no, hence say:"The end purpose nature wants to capture night country fairyland, however this takes very long time to accomplish, we want to do at present of, would be to overthrow too thou fairy emperor, recommend new fairy emperor Zhang government!"
Stone concealed at heart a pleased, this pouring is to agree without previous consultation with own purpose, but again interrogative of ask a way:"Since want to overthrow too thou fairy emperor, why again want to sacrifice Man Man?"
The Mao says:"Too thou fairy the emperor is old to strive for deeply calculate, is so easily overthrow, however because his greed don't Min, just even need the most close person to stir up breeze to light fire in the ear."
Stone concealed eye a stare a way:"Does the so that's why let him come out greed revelation and attain totally isolated situation?"
The Mao says with smile:"BE exactly, at present too ancient fairy emperor already back of the influence expose out, all all of dissatisfied his influence drive on sweeping and getting empty, even two emperor's sons are also similar, only three emperor son emperor the gentleman Wei always go into business and have never developed his/her own influence on political, on the contrary therefore get too an ancient appreciating of fairy emperor."
The stone is concealed to ask a way:"I interested in BE, you want to let who come to act as the fairy emperor in next term?How again affirm after he take a post will definitely become your puppets?"
The Mao Luo Luo says with smile:" Take lonesome come to say, you feel lonesome how?"
The stone is concealed to say:"With heart but theory, he personality condescension not Jiao, work resolute, the taste is original, if is a gentleman, the night country fairyland necessarily will have a big development."
The Mao says:"BE,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday, that is one-time lonesome.Being current lonesome but being a body in the gentle and soft country can not from pull out,Beats By Dre green Monday, what affair also ignore."
Stone concealed strange way:"How can and so?"
The Mao says with smile:"Because, it is my lover to is lonesome."
Stone concealed 1:"What, you ……"
Mao complexion respectfully of way:"Not only is lonesome, black night and emperor the gentleman Wei all nearby has our influences, my task is to let lonesome drown, thoroughly of civilize him as the puppet of hellish influence.So, for save a Ling ·Ya Xin , I can as well have a help to you."
Stone the concealed in the mind is dark and sigh a , regardless lonesome to how oneselfs are, oneself once saw him as own opponent as well, just don't thought of, he unexpectedly addicts sex and arrives such situation, the hellish influence is also really terrible, seeing to them has already extended each corner, probably don't need own help, then can complete this mission smoothly, however, affair true of again thus simple?Too thou fairy emperor, black night, lonesome and emperor gentleman Wei true of thus easily let people to order about?Actually is who at order about who, still who at allow who order about?
The Mao immediately after says:"I also want to tell you an affair, this period is also what Man Man finds out, you can want to know fairy on that day emperor big Dian on, is who manipulated you to assassinate a fairy emperor?"
The stone is concealed a surprised, take off to ask a way:"Who?"
The Mao says:"Is a fairy emperor."
The stone is concealed wrinkly to knit the brows a way:"He this is ……" as a result, what oneself anticipates have no wrong, too thou fairy emperor for letting plain ·the Xiu son leave night country fairyland, for making her reach her own greed, and sacrificing oneself, this insignificant small life, just regrettable of BE, too thou fairy emperor how also didn't expect present he or she, have already had the viewpoint to overthrow him.
The stone is concealed to thought of here, say:"Now that have you already completely controled situation and also need me to do what?"
The Mao says with smile:"Certainly need, because still need a person of enough weight in the whole stratagem-again assassinate a fairy emperor!"
The stone is concealed to understand intention of Mao for a while of way:"So that's why, you are to want to use to test this time who just truely can may be the role of puppet?"
The Mao says:"Being quite good, but wanting an enough a threat to the emperor of fairy person for finding out one, but being little is again little, know fairy the emperor also attain the degree of eight rank dint, but as for is eight ranks how much, no man can know."
The stone is concealed to hum to say with smile:"Like this pour at the right moment, I poured to at the right moment measure my own force to learn what state, also make him take a look, this he on that day see into a general person of mole cricket and ant can constitute to him how of threat."
Mao exultation way:"Had your to become number of, this matter necessarily half effort and double results."
The stone is concealed to put a hand of way:"However, I have a condition."
The Mao favour asks a way:"What condition?"
The stone is concealed to stare at the way of Man Man:"Give the Man Man the opportunity of a choice again."
The Mao says after lookinging at the Man Man:"Too thou fairy emperor if abdicate, the Man Man didn't stay naturally at him nearby of necessity."
The stone is concealed to shake head a way:"What I said BE, let her choose night country and the right in the hell."
The Mao is one Leng, finally order a way:"This affair I want to keep up with noodles to say for a while."
The Man Man then changes countenance of looking at a stone concealed, her in the mind knows, the stone is concealed to want toward the fairy of the emperor begin, he wants to face nature to isn't a fairy emperor, but emperor in the middle of the city galaxy numerous superiors, even if be up to the state of the absolute being of eight rank dint, so still is have very dangerous.The Man Man isn't sighed by heart a , this again why the need for, might oneself it not be and really still has the right of choice?
The Mao says:"Anyway, I take you first to see Ms. Ling!"
Stone concealed at heart a bright, deeply absorbed tone, ordered to bottom, Ya Xin , I will come, I wanted to take you to walk and took you go to an anyones and can not hurt your place, would you like to follow me?That night, actually isn't me ……

Chapter 156 our kid

Is a more spacious space, the heart is then more lonely;More and luxuriously enjoy, more let public in suffered, traverse ·Ya Xin sit upright in the hall of this magnificent and looking at a full table of delicacies from land and seas, think of the gold and silver jewelry of full room and think of that night ……
The lonesome positive desire is strong line of of occupancy Ling ·Ya Xin , but Ling ·Ya Xin Yi young girl, which can can resist lonesome, desire heart a horizontal, simply a die it.
In the Ling ·when Ya Xin Yu try to commit suicide, lonesome stop dead a hand, crary cachinnation several under, with disheveled hair point at a Ling ·Ya Xin Dao:"I so isn't cheapness you, not, I want to make you suffer serverest punishment."
On the second day, Ling ·Ya Xin drive lonesome with get sick for from took own private habitat star, with quiet keep for the and a life time isolate, lonesome make her able to freely come and go on the whole star, but forbid her to see anyone, in order not to traverse ·wear water of doubt, traverse monthly ·wear water can visit a daughter once, traverse ·Ya Xin often think of lonesome that crary facial expression and then have to hide the truth, she knows, if oneself speaks genuine feeling, so the mother craved for he or she to become emperor's sub- madam's hope to fall through, and luckily listenned to mother say, too ancient fairy the emperor regroup general situation, ground the Hou month river again be subjected to heavy use, the company Mao group in cosmos consequently stood firm groundwork, let Ling ·Ya Xin unique delighted BE, the father and mother seems to be just gradually and matches well, mother that the past days icy face also more and more tender feeling, the some timeses all inquire whether oneself really needs to be this emperor too imperial concubine?This is exactly what traverse · Ya Xin worries, if speak true state of matter, the mother affirms will with lonesome make to turn over, by dint of lonesome personality, oneself doesn't know whether he will start to the mother,Beats By Dre Free shipping day, hence, Ling ·Ya Xin have to force a smile, the difficult degree makes a day of it, two day, a month ……
Start traversing most ·Ya Xin is obstinate on the hoof, for blocking up an one breath, she wants to prove himself/herself, even if is a person, can also keep on living, but slowly, she discovered she Related articles:

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Teach the graduate school the melting agent for hasing already studied to deal with to make duplicate a body, this kind of melting agent injects into the body of replication body, can make it completely lose function and also only kill it;At the same time, also studied to resist the vaccine of the ability of making duplicate, as long as injecting for each week once, can ensure to be not made duplicate body erosion."
A general exultation way:"Too like, that comes right away an all the people to inject and sees these replication bodies still have what way out."
Zheng Yu Dong Han head way:"Is civil to inject is have to, but because of the other party perhaps already at here deeply rooted, wanting thoroughly and exterminating then can not act rashly, must make some affairs let the vaccine have perfectly deserved, also want to check at the same time which initial personnels is to make duplicate a body, only so, so as to exterminate this matter."
The stone is concealed to agree with a way:"The other party of so choose to yield to would be to want that making to make duplicate a body is thorough me Yi Li the marrow of the province, we have to also absorb its twitch Sui to just go.This matter with full powers hand over by general to be responsible for."
Zheng Yu Dong stands up from the seat, polite time way:"The stone elder pleases trust, boundary will garrison in the end, absolutely can't let enemy reckless erosion!"
The stone is concealed to say with smile:"Is very good, you then promise the words said with your head."
Zheng Yu Dong respectfully way:"End promises the Israel army person's honor and life, can't definitely let enemy again ex- further."
The stone is concealed to smile to smile, this vegetable with the general that the intelligence smells a life time, can in the enemy's soldier base safely but return, far from vague generation.
In the third day as melting agent drugs are getting into the Yi Li soldier department in the province, the stone is concealed to leave front and return to sorcery religiously, because he still needs to do more important affair, the king of evil monster then for waiting for eight rank replication"Yin absolute being"s but stay at the province of Yi Li.
Difference Li in the sky August, 441 ·apotheosis autonomy ground ·lord star ·foreign guest appropriation airport
Ever since an emperor is red before month drive the king of stone concealed and evil monster and emperor matchless 3 people cooperate to kill, the situation of area absolute being in the sky country immediately changes and find lord camp the quick assistance emperor is matchless, fight the influence of red emperor, south north the antinomy start mollifying because of the adjustment of policy, the northern economy starts recovering, in order to finding lord the supporting strongly of camp and stone is concealed and find lord the cooperation of the camp, make the imperial house of emperor matchless place be subjected to support of each area, certainly, this support in, also existence many political pressures of, the local situation as well conceives a turbulence in the equanimity, however, at this time, find lord the camp have been already decided that supporting an emperor is matchless to mount the throne, the thus perfectly deserved control stays the situation nowadays.
At this time, on the foreign guest appropriation airport of apotheosis, the Yi thoughts in writing is anxiously waiting for a person's arrival, here in the world, also only this person can let the Yi thoughts in writing wait for with thus complicated mood, because of, this person, dominated for apotheosis and own future.
When an airship appears in the view of Yi thoughts in writing of, peeped out smiling face on the face of Yi thoughts in writing, when the airship stops to fall in the airport, an unique and free from vulgarity figure appears in the visual field China Times,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online, the Yi thoughts in writing smiles to come forward, tightly seizes firmly the hand of the other party and says:"Welcome back, stone elder."
This person, nature not the stone is concealed Mo belong to, the stone is concealed to say with smile:"Get a lord, you then and quickly and truely became the lord of apotheosis."
The Yi thoughts in writing is pleased to come to way from the heart:"All of all theses are the helps of stones elder."
The stone is concealed to say:"I am just the commitment that obeys me, and, believe that the apotheosis will be getting to become brighter Nova in main hand."
The Yi thoughts in writing says with smile:"Accept the Ji speech of elder, the Gu that finds a lord camp unique elder has already waited for many."
The stone is concealed ha ha say with smile:"To area absolute being country in sky, this affair is very important."
In the confidential board room of lord star, Gu the unique old man and stone is concealed and Yi thoughts in writing 3 people start starting negotiating for the apotheosis independent problem, this convening of meeting early concealed in the stone with find lord the camp carry on a negotiation of time indeed settle down of, the stone is concealed to along with take from put forward ° by the independent project book of the Vatican Presbyterian Church some to the Vatican beneficial policy, what Gu unique old man takes then from find lord what camp draws up to the area absolute being of the sky country beneficial independent project book, 3 people will carry on negotiating to these two contentses in project books, then reach a consistent opinion, so just can at the ground of apotheosis hold a stone is concealed with many females of wedding.
Find lord camp of so sending the unique old man of Gu is representative, the reason is also easy, Gu unique old man since and the stone is concealed to relatively acquaint with, again can representative's the benefits of area absolute being in the sky country, beyond doubt,, find lord the camp is beating a friendship card, in fact, even if find lord the camp don't and like this and aim at current situation and talk, even if the Vatican temporarily can not get a benefits, from farsighted come to analyze, will definitely have already been subjected to time of the benefit, and find as well lord the camp also know, at the beginning of negotiation, the stone is concealed to have already expressed an attitude, support his helping an emperor matchless, probably support emperor's right that he tries to usurp area in a sky absolute being country.
Find a main camp nature also understand future development in, the stone is concealed take of role, and for stone concealed and speech, do to the area absolute being of the sky country the beneficial affair is in fact also advantageous to himself/herself, as for to Yi thoughts in writing, this both parties are anyway carry on negotiating, the grounds of apotheosis finally will be both parties the trade economy circulate of an inside turn a station, the apotheosis has of the cheapness is really very of big.
Because reason like this, the project book negotiates that the process also seems to be very easily, although the three parties express up is representing a different benefits, farsighted but speech, representative of but actually is one square's benefits, after all, the ground of apotheosis again how of strong, still get to start to build up with both parties all good colleague to relate to just go.
Hard negotiated project book after, the stone is concealed to say:"As for the Vatican and your country of the agreement of economy, culture and military all has no problem, but ground concerning apotheosis, I want to add an additional condition."
The Gu unique old man says:"Stone elder speak, please."
The thoughts in writing that the stone was concealed to hope Yi says:"I think that the ground of apotheosis since and independently, should be able to own their own armed troops, and at number with armed top should have no of restriction."
Unique old man of Gu tiny tiny 1:"The armed troops of autonomy ground?This ……"
The stone is concealed to say:"Autonomy ground for prevent°froming abrupt disorder and because the economy arouses of crime affairs, from common of the public order troops is beyond control situation, and, is us special independent autonomy ground of of two countries, necessarily will existence many business spies of, have to have military authority and get in the Yi lord leadership under of the intelligence report organization carry on surveillance just go, if even these all have no, the name of autonomy ground like nominal.This, I believe, the Gu unique elder should understand be."
"So, I think, what project in the book suggests is sent troops by both parties'help'maintenance the safety of the autonomy ground greatly need not."
The unique old man of Gu is tiny to ponder for a while, say:"This, I miss my a person to give an answer."
The stone is concealed to say:"Not hasty, anyway matchless again lead several lift and then want to mount the throne, I also need emperor's city is a , then left for together with Gu unique elder, conveniently complete how is project book?"
The Gu unique old man says with smile:"This is had better however."
The stone is concealed to say with smile to the Yi thoughts in writings:"The Yi gets a lord how feel?"
The Yi thoughts in writing says:"Then listen to stone elder talk."
The stone is concealed with Gu unique elder to then and immediately start on journey to fly to an area absolute being country in a sky an emperor after the apotheosis temporary makes to stop over city galaxy,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift.
On the airship, in addition to a few pilots, then only have a stone concealed with Gu unique elder.
On entering airship, Gu unique elder not from get a break into laughter voice to come to way:"The stone is concealed you for the sake of the independence of the apotheosis be with much ado.The autonomy ground has already had no his/her own independent military then meaning is armed whether real of independence, so on this problem, find lord the opinions of camp many elders all take an unclear property, but you pick this clear come out."
The stone is concealed to say with smile:"Superficially see, the apotheosis completely and independently really arouses some motions, but, actually, once the apotheosis becomes us Related articles:

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The voice of Nu Chi of leopard skin beauty:"He Chuang, you are old not, though assault this young lady, if make my dad know, not pull out your skin just strange."
The old is cold to hum a , don't answer, iron cloth three ha ha say with smile:"Small girl, you still take care of good you, your dad, perhaps can not even be sure of one's own safety."Xuan but the Nu there spreading no matter scolds and stop and think lo this place of fight.
But see six man feet living breeze and round green old two rush of, continuously ride on to fly a sand to walk the strength of stone inherits to go from each direction, green old two fiercely inclined rise Zhang of remaining, hang empty body Shu once the ground turn, the in out of the sky green light is one Shan, explode six lightning flashes in that night view bank of clouds, spew out from the center of palm of hand, keep inheritting underground 6 people.
Underground 6 people as well is quick if lightning flash, 12 hands arms on float a dark flaring light beam in a sudden, together and together go and turn to do ten thousand black long grasses toward green old 2 of the air, but those six lightning flashes are exactly green old two a pair of quick workerses to evolve.
Is public to see just and fascinatingly, but see blue eldest brother strange strangely say with smile:"Is green old two want to recruit!"
The fruit sees, be 6 people together the arm will annoy a strength to bomb to air of green old two of, sees green old place of two places a put on brilliant green light relentless now, the Shan's figure suddenly disappears.But again appear of, unexpectedly with the station is in 5 Chinese feet open outside of place.
Six man foolish position in, an on every occasion.
Iron cloth 3:"Old man, you will hide?"But the eyes of that specific item the old in but Shan the front line is cruel to come, the eyebrows is wrinkly to get up for the first time.
Sees those six men suddenly all over a slanting, together and together bellow, 12 arms together shoulder but drop!
Just these six men bellow a voice but influence towards laying siege to leopard skin beauty, those 6 people the slightest having no, leopard skin beauty 5 people at this time is exactly trap present medium, a drenches with perspiration and get away not get.
But this iron cloth three but is to be really been surprised to be getting more foolish by green old two capabilitieses, foolish but shouting of some exasperationses way:"Sky kills of, six greatest golds just so ……" is quite good, public connected green old two weaponses don't see, then already ruin six greatest golds just.
Just all these combine can't make the concealed group of people of stone surprised how much, concealed to stone come to say, the most important affair woulds be to have a meal at this time.
Green old two hands backs, the false smile towards iron cloth three smile,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift, smile iron cloth three skin of heads become numb, 1 stumbles and fall He two masters nearby, nervous get big tone don't dare the way of :"Three masters."
The He Chuang then slowly talked:"Friend, seeing to us still have to compare to row to compare to row."
Is green old two ha ha strange say with smile;"Keep company with, keep company with."But eyes didn't stare at a He Chuang, but is satisfiedly stare at a stuffy voice the white that swallow rice is old three.
Don't see white old three is having a meal, in fact those two pairs of eyes but is hope earnestly and envy of stare at a field in, see a He Chuang also want to make moves at this time, green old two stare at oneself again, Pa of an once the bowl throw and stood.
Is public to still think the white is old three want with green old two contend for who come to Dou this He Chuang, but see white old three but is to grasp rice, toward He Chuang a throw!
Don't see once this simple throw, 100th, grain grain of rice grain but not Be pressed to concealed weapon!
Is green old two then the right hand is in the sky a , the spirit vigorously turned to do an eddy-like in shape current of air to absorb this concealed weapon to all come over, cachinnation way:"Is old three, stunt with me, you can still differ to order."
Is green old two is smiling, but see white old three is also smiling, smile return horselaugh than him.
Is green old two suddenly a surprised, on twisting a head, but see not to know when the forehead of He Chuang up unexpectedly was stained with quite a few grain grain of cooked rice.
One face in the He Chuang of quiet, just the neck blue vein keeps emitting, the open row teaches three masters, when once was subjected to such absolute disgrace.Iron cloth is three to have already backed threshold to go to, two dead fish eye stares at to take aim everywhere and prepares to open to run at any time.
Is green old two turn one strange call a way:"You are when ……"
The white is old three but is a Hey Hey to start to grasp a rice roll again, if play tricks to generally throw around in hand, intentionally ignore green old two, but loudly toward a He Chuang to threaten a way:"Feed, rice roll son, don't taste 1 again?"
The He Chuang finally cannots help but becoming angry from embarrassment, the gold color of hands suddenly turns to do jet black, the table one punch beside the dynasty bombs to go, sees table whole body like drive raging flames once burned generally, unexpectedly become a piece of very small burnt carbon, then greatly tread a big step of toward white old three walk.
The white is old three Hey Hey the cachinnation is a , the feet are trampled stool up on playing, in the sky beat a turn, very light arrive at a He Chuang of front, clap hands a great way:"Good effort good effort,Beats By Dre green Monday."
Is green old two see white old three unexpectedly robbed own business, condemned a way:"How can you rob two elder brothers' things?"
The white is old three don't think the mouth of Pie Pie of idea, the hand is one stand, an innocent of point at way in the He Chuang:"He will with my Dou, I also can't?"
The blue eldest brother delivered words at this time:"Is old two, you let old three, the flank is to still have six, tidy up them, different?"
Is green old two turn to read a to think, suddenly another smile, pack into a very heroic way:"Like, let this time you, Lao Tze goes first to tidy up those six what just of, gather together together 12 die young ghosts."The Hey , on smiling, walks toward those six people again.
The white is old three did a grimace at this time, along way in the He Chuang:"Rice roll son how has fun?"He unexpectedly has a childhood name for He Chuang to call a rice roll.
The He Chuang flustered and frustratedly roars a way:"You seek dead!"Taking one in the hand is jet black but the strength of the male Hun inherit and smile to return to smile, this He Chuang makes moves very good, it makes moves of malicious and quick, keep such as that crazy leopard the strong lion is general, the in a flash bombs 30th, boxing, sincere living breeze.
The stone is concealed to listen to in the ear, dark Cun way:Originally what this He Chuang does is'black method of gold Zhang', black gold Zhang method, have to do Zhang by iron filings first, wait until to have 100% iron filings Zhang capability of, then replace iron filings by black gold, the black gold of this kind of specially made isn't only heavy abnormality, and is sharp, ordinary people if contact, then as holding tight a hedgehog.Besides this Zhang method still needs a practice under the heat, so do then can open stone tablet to break a stone with the hand to the high state,Beats By Dre Free shipping day, powder iron is ground just.
But the white is old three then on leaping a to jump, the trifle greatly increases and often lets the recruit type of He Chuang end up in nothing.
At the same time, green old two have already moved to start with six men over there.
Is green old two emergence really let leopard skin beauty a group of people easy many, inside the outside attack from both flanks under, six man the army has collapsed , certainly, mainly begin still green old two, if list theory capability to speak, that makes the afraid of ability and a man list of the man of soft sword pick but doesn't lose, another man a little bit almost, two green dress servant girls have already been getting more utterly exhausted more, besides they become a furry monster man at the sight of these six one or two arms, is also hands to all frighten Be getting softer.Just the capability of that leopard skin beauty's pouring is quite good, pour and that makes the man of soft sword have a ratio.
Leopard skin beauty cold track:"Old man, are you why?"
Green old 21 sides with resist, simultaneously say with smile:"Fight, didn't you see?"
The leopard skin beauty spirit way:"Who want you to come to meddle in other people's business, who want you to save?"Spoilt daughter of a rich family be spoilt daughter of a rich family, although whole body joss-stick the sweat sprinkle Li, still sweet girlish voice frail precept person.
Green old 2:"I again beyond hope you, you call what call!"Bomb an one punch on a chest of man with the hand again.
The leopard skin beauty annoys almond eyebrow 1:"Like, you beat them, I beat you."Finish saying, hold sword to go toward green old two stingses.
Is green old two is worrying nobody's beating with him , on seeing leopard skin beauty hurtle to come up on one's own initiative, is begging it not get, ha ha on smiling, and two swords of the finger dynasty leopard skin beauties clip.
Follow several people of leopard skin beauty but is that you stare me, I stare you, of course not dare to green old two make moves, have to take time to assault these six greatest golds just.
Hence quarrel noisily here, get along well indiscriminately.
But another part, He Chuang but spirit must have already wanted a branch to annoy and see white old three Be similar to hide around like a flea, simultaneously split Zhang to simultaneously explode with rage a way:"You have a kind and then don't run!"
The white is old Related articles:

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Water touches the face of fish.After, miscellaneous articles or objects room's the color of the sky already big Be getting brighter.A part of the park outside after the castellan mansion the building have already been burned by that wildfire ash brick burnt tile, although the fire has already been put out.But still emit thickly green smoke there.
With those two mercenary soldiers arranges of time have been already arrived, Mu's floating don't stop over in the castellan mansion, as if directly a breeze copy generally, toward city outskirts ground that graveyard empress of break a house to fly to soon drive to go, the Mu floats to believe that those two mercenary soldiers can complete a task.
"Ding Ding Ding
When the Mu floats quickly after that graveyard, to break the house drives of time, concealed however hear the voice that the that direction spread a burst of weapon to hand over to blare.Have some violent bump the voice of shot, see here, the Mu floats of speed sooner, though he also used penny for much clock time from castellan mansion to here.
Break before the house, engage positive Han.
The Mu floats to arrive to after breaking a house, the first eye saw lie before breaking a house door and spread all over scar all over.The appearance is disastrous, the obfuscation doesn't come to of cloth Lu benefit, he ground body side, there is a beautiful and serene woman being looking after him, hope cloth Lu from that woman benefit of sadness of the look in the eyes can guess, should be a cloth Lu the family of the benefit.
See brothers be tormented into this appearance, the Mu floats with no reason of the ruthlessly oppressive fire of heart bottom start to be flaming burning.
Turn again to see the front of door distance not, just many soldiers round into a war regiment and fight regiment in 3 people carry on the back to lean against a back and take weapon.Is together cool detachment to look at in the turn with they stand to be apart from very closely two middle ages.
Be rounded fighting three people in the regiment to there are two two mercenary soldiers that was exactly a Mu to float to once entrust a task among them, the another a saw the age approach 30 years old.The noodles permits toughness, the sharp angle has to, calm and steady steady heavy, 1 rightness brightly was full of unyielding will to fight in the blue eyes, a ground to fasten seven class warriors, Mu's floating has never seen this person.
These three body top how much all take some look more serious scar, that young master mercenary soldier dress the Shan is ragged.Still profoundly put an arrows on the just left shoulder.The arrows wasn't pulled out, blood stain already dried up.However he still keeps being that so inhospitality and seem this wound don't calculate what to him.
However that youth master's foot, unexpectedly still stand an only have football sort size of, heel Yan rat similarly six rank evil monster, have a pair of furry tails, just the alert ground stares at opposite the ground is two warriors,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online, the Mu floats to know that kind of an evil monster and call negative shadow rat, the breeze fastens an evil monster, speed's pouring is the quickest, the tooth is extremely sharp, be good enough to bite off Jing steel, sneak attack absolutely is an enemy ground nightmare.
Be equally rounded in those two middle ages in the war turn by the food for powder, one is seven class warriors, a nine class warriors, they have no evil spoil, everybody lifts an inset evil crystal huge sword, they didn't get hurt, the shoulder of only the seven class warriorses top drive rowed a long long son, blood already live, that nine class warriors pour is look very leisurely and carefree, seem and have no in front that gets close to and dies of the warrior put with master in the eye, he just hopes and has a little an alert to tiny the look in the eyes of that negative shadow rat.
The Mu floats a ground of arrival, that nine class warriors seem to be early to have an alert, of so he ground the facial expression is that so leisurely and carefree, that is because the Mu floats a ground of appearance still that has already been ruined corpse to put out a vestige and be called the appearance of nine many class warrior of Mao, come an assistant that gets dint, he isn't satisfied just strange.
"The Mao is many, you come of the positive that time wait, these three guys have some difficult tie up, solve them for me!"Those nine class warriors seeming has never cared Mu to float that icy cold attitude and still take to satisfiedly smile on the face.
Mu's floating to see them completely don't take precautions against to they,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift, without telling anyone floated a body to arrive at their before the body, that seven class warriors immediately floated to nod to admire a waist way to the Mu:"The Mao is many adults, 100 change angel's adult when arrive, we but hoped that she was for a long time?"
"Your a short while can see her!"The Mu floats to learn that Mao many voices and uses deep and low voice to mistily return to sentence and just stare those nine class warrior way:"We were so comfortable and happy with angel's adult last night, did the adult didn't go, was really regrettable?"
Those nine have once the warrior listen to and immediately peep out the look in the eyes of evil Yin, but disappoint tunnel again:"Is really regrettable, can not enjoy angel's adult gives of happiness, really damn!"Immediately he vision hatred poison ground the cloth Lu benefit way that stare obfuscation in the doorway:"All is this to damn a ground of boy, the dead lives Be not willing to darling amenability, and these three damned guys run to rob jail and harm this adult can not get away, damned, I want to kill …… Wu ……"
That warrior words sound hasn't fallen in and suddenly feels that own chest spreads a burst of and nipping ice-cold, immediately a burst of and violent painful set of time his whole body, he can not believe ground become overdo, but see the Mu float to take a to chase a sharp bayonet in the hand, was already a sting to ruthlessly enter his chest, he wears Mu to float with the tremulous finger:"The Mao is many, you, you why, Wu ……"
His words haven't finished saying, Mu after floating to pull out that bayonet, again and ruthlessly Tong go in, just that warrior didn't°yet immediately hopeless situation, when he slowly falls flop suddenly the look in the eyes becomes matchless evil to hate with anger, he points at Mu to float:"You aren't that the Mao is many, my Dou annoys you to break ……" words didn't finish saying, after Mu floats to pull out a bayonet, one feet kicks away that warrior, let him thoroughly saw his that beautiful angel going.
The sneak attack that floats suddenly to the Mu, at this time owner all Leng at there, this affair that take place for an instant, seem to let their brains turn however was curved to come, but those seven class warriors could not touch brains more at this time, however he have already profoundly been on guard, stare Mu to float with a kind of vision for suspecting, grip the sword in the hand to ask a way:"The Mao is many adults, why do you want to kill green jade Si adult?"
"Because he damns, you are a Sa to add Er castellan adult?"If the Mu floats didn't answer seven class warriors, but coldly stare him to ask a way.
", Is BE BE, the mean person is green left make, the new appointee Sa adds Er castellan, the adult has an order, the mean person definitely spares no effort with all strength?"That castellan floats to the Mu a burst of flatter to flatter, that despicable looks lets the Mu float to disgust very.
However the guy that has learned that in front be after Sa adds Er castellan, the Mu floats to send out icy cold laughter and took a look collapsed and fainted cloth Lu benefit after, turn overdo dead hopeless situation to stare this castellan adult:"I want you is you do of the whole pay a price of decuple!"Say, the Mu floats suddenly assault, the one punch gets rid of his Dou spirit and beats in the chest of castellan, close behind again released the tie of a breeze, tightly stopped his neck and arms and legs up he can not move, that castellan climbs on the ground at this time and looking at Mu float look in the eyes in of fear to make him anyway struggle, but can not get away from the tie of that sorcery.
Those soldiers see castellan unexpectedly be contused not to say, and didn't know to use what skill tie up can not move, each sharp point point, immediately floated Mu to surround, there was a military officer to come out a way:Obviously"put castellan adult at once, you had already made capital crime, if put castellan adult, we can no longer pursue ……" this military officer talks of tone very minority, can at will kill nine class warriors, and easily tie up the real strenght of seven class warriors, completely can will they these government troopses killed a quite a few time.
The Mu floats sneer and looked on coldly to sweep that military officer one eye:"Now that I have already made capital crime, that has to kill people to kill!"Say, the Mu floats a look in the eyes a cold, with once the hand flick and cover with of flame blade as if the together wild dance of fire dragon is general, a line to those surroundings of the government troopses gobble up but go.
Miserably a burst of Hao voice rings out, those soldier who are common doesn't basically and impossibly bear a this kind of injury noodles huge fury attack, each is burned coke, only those stations just escape by luck in the food for powder in mercenary soldier, wasn't hurt by that flame, but they are already to frighten to frighten to death, had no 1 to dare to escape, but was a to kneel brick to beg for mercy on the ground.
Killed that officer's soldier still after having several well-known scholar soldiers,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday, the Mu floated to toward those the remaining of the soldier Be cold to drink a way:"Immediately roll for me!"Those soldier such as Related articles:

Monday, December 3, 2012

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The gold Ling Ling feels some surprise:"You unexpectedly connect Yang Yun Long is who all don't know!"
"How do I usually don't read news!"
"Have I never mentioned this person with you?He is an incumbent police department bureau chief!"
"You are to say to me'our current bureau chief', have never said his name,Beats By Dre Free shipping day!"Is huge strength east long give a sigh, finally thought of oneself to still have such an opponent.
The former incumbent chief prosecutor Hong faces the Feng strives for a black leather manual of Duo of time, this public security official's bureau chief has no little to huge strength east and gold Ling the Ban son in Ling.But after Hong face Feng to fall from power, he calmness many, have no again do to serve as what hostile of action.Result is by so doing, huge strength the east gradually forgot this person's existence.
But this cloud dragon after all is the Hong faces Feng of together party, the Hong faces falling from power of Feng will make him hate a huge strength more eastern,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online.Hibernating a period of time after encountering failure, then starting an attack to the huge strength east once again is completely possible.However the huge strength east has a very important question:"Is how you make sure Yang Yun Long?"
"I ……."The gold Ling Ling face a red, again the pair of head is getting more lowly, lead a short while just answer:"From the room in after coming out, see a guy carrying a heap of food and wine and entering neighboring room.Although he is dressed in slack suit,my still recognizing out him is my colleague.I at that time very oddness he how can appeared here, this would never be a strangely fits, because that place obviously isn't what he has ability consumption.Hence I hid inside in the stairs and secretly observed a short while."
The huge strength east sighed an one breath, the wry smile wrote ask:"Connected down to see me?"
"That's right!"The gold Ling Ling eyebrows is one Yang, just awkward and shy have been already laid aside:"After you go in, in spread a burst of fight of voice, I need not see can also guess, you at in did what!"
Is huge strength the east threw those two police officer certificates to gold Ling the in front of the Ling, then say:"I at in got these two things!"
The gold Ling Ling sees all don't see, tell a huge strength east:"From these two police officer certificates, you can't understand to any useful information!"
Is huge strength eastern helpless acknowledgement:"That's right!"
"You aren't our insider, so don't understand to a lot of affairs.Otherwise you will know, these two confidants that the guy is Yang Yun Long."
"Is so ……" hears this time words, the huge strength east has to face a problem, that is oneself to seek wrong target.
Inchoate time, the huge strength east isn't to have never doubted, why will Chen Yu Bo use police force to deal with their himself/herselfs.But those two polices spoke three words of"Chen Yu Bo" to he or she at that time, again in consideration of Chen Yu Bo to own of work hard, this made huge strength eastern in addition to he outside didn't do 2 people to think, oneself even looked for to commit crime motive for him on his/her own initiative.
Return to think of now, the huge strength east has to realize, there are many doubtful points on the whole affair.For example say, after the affair of oneself and gold Ling Ling takes place, Chen Yu Bo faces own of time, express each time of calm and self-composed.Even if it the city mansion is very deep, but eyes can't swindle.He dare own orthoptic vision of a time, the slightest have no fearful.Again for example say, Dao after ruining that supervision terminal mean to plan the scheme of to have already failed, but Chen Yu Bo's performance just as since go toward, emotion's seeming don't be subjected to any influence.
Only, the huge strength east still has question:"You only are Yang Yun Long's confidants according to these two people, make sure to is Yang Yun Long BE, isn't some careless?"
"Not and careless!"The gold Ling Ling drank one mouthful coffee and spoke slowly:"After I see these two guys, momentary the office that is Yang Yun Long, install a ***.Originally I thought that packing in his cellular phone is also a , unfortunately I had no that type of***.Very lucky BE, those two guys aren't to pass a telephone, but the office that entered into Yang Yun Long.I the close ear hear, they weep and sniffle of tell Yang Yun Long, the plan is how to fail."
"***……."Hear these three words,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift, huge strength east at heart a move.
The gold Ling Ling way of doing at that time is at present answering huge strength other some eastern questions.
From Chen Yu Bo's some performances, can affirm him to want to bring together a huge strength east and Chen Bing Mao.So is Yang Yun Long how to know this matter?Again how thought of to put the blame Chen Yu Bo?
What now can affirm BE, Yang Yun Long did hand and foot there and controled Chen Yu Bo's plan and viewpoint at Chen Yu Bo.BE suffering from don't account to deal with a huge strength east of he, hence deciding will account and then account,
Connect down, huge strength east the Ji need what to clear up BE, Yang Yun Long and Chen Yu Bo exactly is what relate to, why Yang Yun Long want at Chen Yu Bo there make secret arrangements.
Gold Ling Ling's seeing a huge strength east be lightly considering, hum 1 from the nostril, say:"I know that you are always very able, however this time, seeing to you was to fall behind to me!"
The huge strength east sighed an one breath:"Really BE!"
"In Yang Yun Long's office, those two polices say besides a words ……."The gold Ling Ling made reference to here to beat and continued to drink to have coffee and stole an eye to observe a huge strength from the edge of sunglasses east.
Huge strength the question of the east all is hanged up to have, urgently can not bear of ask:"My spoilt daughter of a rich family, begging you doesn't round curved son and all speak at a time the affair!"
"Why to tell you?"
"You ……."The huge strength east deeply takes a suck at spirit, the drum vigorously says:"You if tell me, I married you!"
"You ……."Gold Ling the Ling is stare tongue-tied, the Ke Ke expects to expect of say:"You …….Think of …….Is beautiful ……."
The huge strength east turns but says:"So you if don't tell me, I married you!"
Gold Ling the Ling is some hasty:"Shine on you to say so, how wear, I am to must marry you!"
This time it's huge strength east's turn to hold in suspense and was drinking coffee and lookinging at outside of street view.
The gold Ling Ling lightly sighed an one breath and still kept saying answer to come out:"They said so at that time:'Huge strength east that boy indeed as expected found out us, we completely said according to what you gave an account.'They still draw the description that the voice draws a color, you at that time are how to maltreat them.Yang Yun Long's connecting down don't say what, but smiled to smile very satisfiedly.I guessed at that time, his affirmation was to anticipate this result, so in advance arranged in order a set of phrase to put the blame to other people.Now listen to you so on saying, see come is Chen Yu Bo to unluckily become a scapegoat."
Though superficially is still a safely self-composed appearance, but in the heart, the huge strength east pretty much regrets.Regret of place's pouring don't is everything that does to Chen Yu Bo, but oneself almost be like similar Dou of cricket to get up and let the other people sit the benefit of accepting the fisherman with Chen Yu Bo.
Seeing the huge strength east didn't talk, the gold Ling Ling asked:"I if don't speak amiss, you shoulded have already adopted measure to Chen Yu Bo!"
Huge strength the east is to get an electric shock generally, sitting of"Ceng" kept body, and the instant answer said:"Have no ……have no!"But the facial expression is absolutely like telling the gold Ling the Ling:"I am telling a lie!"
The gold Ling Ling doesn't pursue as well and ask a huge strength east:"You have to thought of, why does Yang Yun Long want to put the blame to Chen Yu Bo?"
Huge strength east nerveless shook to shake head:"Have no!"
Face the huge strength for denying all knowledge of event east, the gold Ling Ling starts seeming to be a bit satisfied:"Afterwards, I investigated this person's history of Yang Yun Long and discovered that he once worked in Chen Yu Bo's under charge.He seems to is unsuited to with Chen Yu Bo, be been fierce by what Chen Yu Bo snuffed out, doing not have no can be promoted for many years.Pass an operation relation afterwards, just adjusted to go into public security official's system.What to can want to see BE, he by all means will hate Chen Yu Bo."Make reference to here, gold Ling Ling of in the tone take last taunt:"I am really to don't thought of, you indeed as expected fell into trap!"
Thought of oneself is unexpectedly been played with to applause of, the huge strength east thoroughly became depressed Related articles: